
Poll: Most Americans Have Little Interest in Senate Democrats’ Impeachment Trial of Private Citizen Donald Trump

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The US Senate impeachment trial of private citizen Donald J. Trump will begin today at noon eastern.

Democrats are hoping the trial will take attention away from their insane policies and positions.

But most Americans say they will watch little or none of the proceedings.

BREAKING: Most Voters Don’t Expect Senate to Convict Trump, Won’t Watch Impeachment Trialhttps://t.co/39TWbN6CsX

— Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) February 9, 2021

Rasmussen reported:

The Senate begins its impeachment trial of former President Trump this week, but most voters don’t believe Trump will be convicted and few expect to watch the entire trial on TV.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that only 11% of Likely U.S.