
Psaki Gets Testy with Fox News’ Peter Doocy When He Calls Biden Out For Lowering the Bar on School Reopening to Only One Day a Week (VIDEO)

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White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki got testy with Fox News reporter Peter Doocy on Wednesday when he called Biden out for lowering the bar on school reopening to only one day a week.

On Tuesday a reporter asked White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki to clarify Joe Biden’s plan (and promise) to reopen schools within his first 100 days in office.

“Does it mean teachers in classroom teaching students in classrooms or does it just mean kids in classrooms with a remote screen? Help us understand,” the reporter asked.

Psaki said Biden’s goal was to have “more than 50%” of K-8 schools open by April 30.

Doocy called out Biden for lowering the bar and snooty Psaki got testy with him.