
Biden Today: China Is “Going to Eat Our Lunch…We Just Have to Step Up”; Biden in 2019: “China Is Going to Eat Our Lunch? Come On, Man”

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Joe Biden held a bipartisan meeting with four U.S. senators in the Oval Office Thursday morning on infrastructure. During the meeting, Biden spoke to reporters about his two-hour long phone call last night with Communist China President Xi Jinping.

“If we don’t get moving they’re going to eat our lunch. They have major, major new initiatives on rail and they already have rail that goes 225 miles an hour with ease. They’re working, they’re working very hard to do what I think we’re gonna have to do. And I think the automobile industry is already there and so is labor, they’re gonna, they’re working very hard to try to move into a position where they end up being the source of a,