
CNN Is Now Comparing Capitol Riots where Trump Supporters Were Killed to Rwandan Genocide

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CNN’s Anderson Cooper compared the US Capitol riot to the Rwandan and Bosnian genocides.

Four Trump supporters were killed in the riots. One Trump supporter was shot dead in cold blood and we still don’t know the name of the shooter.

CNN’s Cooper compares Trump & his supporters on Jan. 6 to those that carried out genocides in Bosnia & Rwanda: “[W]e’ve seen it in Bosnia, we’ve seen it in Rwanda where radios was telling people – you know, Hutus were telling the radio listeners that the Tutsi are cockroaches…” pic.twitter.com/2oELRGqKeE

— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) February 10, 2021

For the record… Democrat Susan Rice was widely blamed for being a bystander during the Rwandan genocide.