
JUST IN: Jeep Removes Bruce Springsteen’s Controversial Fake “Unity” Super Bowl Ad After Learning Of His Recent DWI Arrest

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100 Percent Fed Up – In 2016, Bruce Springsteen held a free concert for Crooked Hillary, before that, the dyed-in-the-wool Democrat supported Barack Obama’s candidacy.

After Joe Biden became the Democrat presidential candidate, 70-year-old Springsteen immediately threw his support behind the 77-year-old lifetime politician.

Biden wasn’t Springsteen’s first choice. The rocker who preached “unity” in his recent Super Bowl ad admitted his desire to see the country move even further left, saying, “If we want to have the America that we envision, it’s going to need some pretty serious systemic changes moving leftward.”

During a virtual interview with Down Under media outlet, the aging rocker also threatened he would move to Australia if President Trump is re-elected.