
Someone Tell President Trump’s Attorneys – The Democrats’ Footage Showing Violence at the Capitol on January 6th Was Filmed by Antifa

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Someone, please tell President Trump’s attorneys that the main evidence used by the Democrats to prove violence at the Capitol on January 6th comes from Antifa.

On Tuesday the Democrats in the House pled their case that President Trump should be impeached because he was behind the violence at the Capitol on January 6th.  In their opening remarks they shared this shocking video of the actions that day in the Capitol:

WATCH: Lead House Impeachment Manager Raskin Plays Deceptively Edited Video of Trump During Senate Trial

Of course, the Democrats removed the President’s remarks where he told his supporters to “peacefully and patriotically make their voices heard.”

But what the Democrats also neglected to point out is that the video that they used comes from Antifa.