
“I Will Destroy You” – Biden Deputy Press Secretary Threatens Politico Reporter For Pursuing Story He Wanted Kept Private

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TJ Ducklo

Joe Biden’s Deputy Press Secretary TJ Ducklo threatened a Politico reporter for pursuing a story about his romantic relationship with an Axios reporter.

People Magazine recently ran a sympathetic article revealing that Ducklo is dating Axios reporter Alexi McCammond, who covered the 2020 Biden campaign.

The romantic relationship between Ducklo and McCammond raised ethics concerns since she covers the Biden Administration.

“Alexi disclosed her relationship with TJ to her editors in November and asked to be taken off of the Biden beat. We reassigned her to cover progressives in Congress, the progressive movement, and Vice President Kamala Harris. Alexi is a valued member of the Axios team, and we stand behind her and her coverage,” an Axios spokesperson told Fox News.