
“Joe Biden Is Solely Responsible for Killing Those 60,000 and He’s only Been in Office for 3 Weeks” – Grant Stinchfield Quotes Gateway Pundit on Biden’s COVID Disaster

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Grant Stinchfield quoted the Gateway Pundit this evening when discussing the liberal logic behind the counting of COVID deaths.

Grant Stinchfield on Newsmax discussed Biden’s insane policies related to the China coronavirus and finished by discussing the Gateway Pundit’s article from this morning.   According to our article this morning Joe Biden is accountable for 60,000 COVID deaths after only a few weeks in office:

Using Liberal Logic Joe Biden Has Now Murdered More than 60,000 Americans Who Died from COVID

Stinchfield shared:

If you are a liberal watching, I would like to remind you that under Biden’s watch 60,000 Americans have died of COVID.  So following liberal logic as the Gateway Pundit points out,