
“You Got a Nice Pair There, Joe”: White House Reporters Throw Softball After Softball at Biden While Covering Dr. Jill’s Valentine’s Day Photo-Op (Video)

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Joe and Jill Biden appeared in front of reporters on the North Lawn of the White House Friday morning to talk about Dr. Jill’s Valentine’s Day art display. Reporters engaged in friendly banter with the Bidens, who each carried disposable coffee cups, asking about the Bidens’ love for each other, their two German shepherds that accompanied them (unleashed) and joking about coffee and donuts but asking no substantive questions and no questions approaching the directness or hostility reporters showed President Trump and First Lady Melania. Even when Joe Biden walked right up to the reporters to offer his cup of coffee to one of them, the press acted like adoring puppies.

Large signs in the image of the popular Sweethearts Valentine’s Day candy with messages of “Unity”,