
FIREWORKS: Trump Attorney Van Der Leen ERUPTS After Democrats Flip the Script, Attempt to Change Rules and Decide to Call Witnesses as Their Case Collapses

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Democrats flipped the script this morning after their case collapsed on Friday against President Trump.

Democrats now want to change the rules and call in witnesses. This comes after Senator McConnell announced he will vote to acquit.

Democrats now want to call in at least one witness.

According to the Seattle Times — Rep. Jaimie Raskin, lead impeachment manager, called Saturday morning for Republican Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler of Washington to be subpoenaed for the Senate trial, saying her corroboration of a Jan. 6 phone call between House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and former President Donald Trump was critical. Beutler, one of the 10 Republicans who voted to impeach Trump.

The senate is now voting to call witnesses.