
“To Manager Swalwell: Tell Us About Fang Fang” – EPIC! Here Are the GOP Questions that Were Not Asked During Sham Impeachment Trial

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Earlier today Democrats flipped the script and announced they would call witnesses in to testify against President Trump in their sham impeachment trial.

The Trump legal team then announced they would call Speaker Pelosi in to testify along with Mayor Muriel Bowser.
Pelosi and Bowser cancelled all security assistance in the US Capitol before January 6th.

Following this announcement, the House Impeachment Managers backed off from calling witnesses.

They moved on to closing arguments.

Democrats folded.

Senator Ted Cruz then leaked out the Republican questions that were skipped over yesterday.

These questions were skipped over yesterday by impeachment trial moderator Senator Patrick Leahy.

House impeachment managers folded after signaling they wanted witness.