
After Playing Mario Kart All Weekend at Camp David, Joe Biden Uses ‘Bad Weather’ as Excuse not to Interact with Press Until Tomorrow

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After playing Mario Kart for three days at Camp David, Joe Biden is finally returning to the White House on Monday.

Joe Biden spent the weekend playing video games as thousands of Americans died of Covid-19.

The White House said that Joe Biden had nothing on his schedule for the entire weekend.

Due to a ‘bad weather call’ from the White House, Joe Biden will be motorcading from Camp David back to DC and won’t interact with the press until Tuesday.

Bad weather call from WH on @POTUS‘ return to DC today, so he’s motorcading back and won’t interact with the press until tomorrow. Happy Presidents Day pic.twitter.com/iLLRfMxNly

— Christian Datoc (@TocRadio) February 15,