
Completely Biased ‘Fact Checkers’ Are Now Tools to Disparage and Discredit Conservative Thought

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‘Fact-checkers’ are not fact-checkers they are just another tool used to slander and disparage conservative thought – period.  Remember, with liberals, it’s all about power.

We at the Gateway Pundit (TGP) have faced so many ‘fact checks’ on our articles it’s become comical.  The bigger the story, the more hits we get the more attention from ‘fact-checkers’.  But these individuals who represent these firms are not interested in the truth.  Their actions show it.  Their purpose is to slander, disparage and discourage conservative, God-loving, and America-loving thought.  These people ultimately hate free speech and the USA.

We’ve faced numerous fact checks over the past few years since the idea of creating biased individuals berating conservatives and labeling their messages ‘fact-checking’ came about.