
“It’s A Total Fantasy, Totally Incorrect, Total Lie!” – Steve Bannon Refutes 60 Minutes Producer’s Claims That Bannon Wanted Trump Removed Via the 25th Amendment (VIDEO)

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A 60 Minutes Producer came out with a book today where he claims Steve Bannon wanted President Trump removed from office.

Per the Daily Mail:

Steve Bannon believed President Donald Trump had early-stage dementia in 2017 and started a covert campaign to get him removed via the 25th Amendment, a veteran ’60 Minutes’ producer revealed in a new book.

Producer Ira Rosen wrote in his memoir, ‘Ticking Clock: Behind the Scenes at 60 Minutes,’ that Bannon began reaching out to Trump allies during the summer of 2017 and had conversations with them about the then-president’s mental state.

‘He believed Trump was suffering from early-stage dementia and that there was a real possibility he would be removed from office by the Twenty-Fifth Amendment,