
MORE FAKE NEWS: Politico Omits Joe Biden’s Racist Lines and Defense of China’s Uyghur Genocide in Report on His Town Hall Dumpster Fire

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Politico published a fluff piece on Joe Biden’s disastrous performance last night at his CNN town hall in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

The mainstream media is not even hiding their bias anymore. The leftist press showed nothing but a deep hatred for President Trump despite his phenomenal record. They attacked Trump night and day and pushed absolute lies in an attempt to destroy Trump and his family.

In their fluff piece today Politico “forgot” to report on Joe Biden’s horrific gaffes and racist comments from his town hall.

Politico omitted Biden’s support for the Uyghur genocide saying it’s “just a Chinese cultural norm.”

WATCH: Joe Biden Excuses the Uyghur Genocide as ‘Just a Chinese Cultural Norm,’ Spreading CCP Propaganda

Politico ignored Joe Biden’s racist comments about blacks and Latinos of not knowing how to work the internet.