
“They Resent the Whole Premise Behind Elections” – Rush Limbaugh’s Prophetic Observation About Democrats Before the 2020 Election

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In October of 2020, days before the 2020 election and the greatest steal in election history, the now-late and great Rush Limbaugh shared one of the most prophetic observations of his career.
Rush shared “They [the Democrats] resent the whole premise behind elections.”  He knew they were getting rid of elections.  There simply was no broad public support behind Democrat ideas.

We pointed this out after the election:

“Democrats Want to End Elections” – Rush Limbaugh Predicted Perfectly in October How Democrats Would Cheat and Steal This Year’s Election

Rush was right – the familiar phrase repeated by conservatives over the past 30 years.

The Democrats pushed a candidate in 2020 who could not complete a full sentence,