
Michigan Completes Another Garbage Audit Wasting Time and Resources Performing Procedures Which Will Never Address 2020 Election Fraud

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Our state election commissions and politicians are either totally incompetent or they are totally corrupt, or both.

The Detroit Free Press reports:

A statewide election audit has affirmed the results of the November presidential election in Michigan, Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson said Friday.

“This statewide audit process affirms what election officials on both sides of the aisle have said since November — that Michigan’s election was conducted securely and fairly, and the results accurately reflect the will of the voters,” Benson said.

The statewide risk-limiting audit was one of many audits conducted after the November general election meant to test the accuracy of the machine count and election results.

Of course, we all know Michigan’s Secretary of State has a very suspect past:

To No One’s Surprise – Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson Is A Product of a George Soros Secretary of State Program from 2010

So anything Benson says or does must be taken with a grain of salt and this is no exception.