
Biden Team Moves to Restart Talks with Iranian Regime Three Days After They Bombed US Base and Killed Contractor

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The Iranian regime fired off missiles at a US-led military base in northern Iraq on Monday night. One civilian contractor was killed in the Iranian missile attack.

On Tuesday the US along with Western allies released a strongly worded condemnation of the Iranian attack on a US base.

Then on Thursday, two days after the attack that killed one contractor, the Biden Administration announced it was willing to start negotiating with Iran again on a second nuclear treaty.

The first Obama nuclear treaty with Iran cost the US billions of dollars and a pallet of cash on the tarmac in the middle of the night.
Iran used the money to spread terror in the region.

CONFIRMED: Cash from Obama’s $1.7 Billion Ransom Payment to Iran Traced to Terrorist Groups (VIDEO)

Joe Biden is going for round 2 with these thugs.