
WOW! Australian Media Runs Segment on Joe Biden’s Dementia! — Something the Poisonous US Media Still Lies About

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Australian reporter Cory Bernardi is the first mainstream host to report on Joe Biden’s obvious dementia that is apparent to anyone paying attention. No one in the US liberal media is strong enough to point this out – President Biden is out to lunch. He is in an escalating stage of cognitive decline.

EXCLUSIVE: Artificial Intelligence Psychiatric Diagnostic Filter Confirms Joe Biden Exhibits Multiple Dementia/Early Alzheimer Patterns

Bernardi shared this on Friday, “Such was the hatred of Donald Trump by the partisan and poisonous mainstream media that they chose not to highlight anything that may have derailed a Biden victory. Even now after he’s been sworn in many are still refusing to speak the truth.”

Via Populist Press:

SKY News reported:

It is clear US President Joe Biden is not up to the task he has been “sworn in to do”,