
Crowdstrike, the Firm at the Center of the Russia Collusion Scam, Was Next Involved in a China Linked “Electric Panda” Hacker Tale – Is This Now Relevant Today?

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For years the Democrats and their Big Media and the Deep State claimed that Russia had hacked the DNC and obtained the emails later released by Wikileaks.  The story started with a crafty Washington Post reporter, Ellen Nakashima, who claimed in June 2016 that the Russians hacked the DNC database and stole Trump opposition research:

Russian hackers penetrated DNC database, stole Trump oppo research file https://t.co/qIAvAVH4nT

— Ellen Nakashima (@nakashimae) June 14, 2016

Nakashima was one of the first, if not the first, to claim in writing Russian hacking of the DNC.  The Deep State pundit reported that the firm Crowdstrike had uncovered this information.

Nakashima reported:

Russian government hackers penetrated the computer network of the Democratic National Committee and gained access to the entire database of opposition research on GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump,