
Trans Woman Jessica Watkins Stripped Naked and Left in Cell with Lights on for 24 Hours a Day for 4 Days – Is Still Being Held for Crime of Walking Through US Capitol, Talking to Cops, Following Orders on Jan. 6

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Jessica Watkins was arrested in January after she turned herself in to federal authorities.

Ms. Watkins attended the January 6th protest and rally at the White House Ellipse and the US Capitol. She was reportedly working as security at the Ellipse and met with US officials before the president’s speech. She is also a member of the Oathkeepers, a pro-Constitution group frequently maligned by the liberal media and Democrat politicians.

During the siege of the US Capitol Jessica Watkins did not threaten anyone, did not vandalize anything, encourage others not to vandalize, spoke with several police officers inside the Capitol, and followed their orders.

From her court documents:

Mike Cernovich reported on the case.