
Pro-Family News Outlet Censored By Twitter for Stating Biden Admin Official’s Biological Sex

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A pro-family news outlet has been suspended by Twitter for stating a Biden administration official’s biological sex.

Global Christian Ministry’s Focus on the Family‘s account has been locked and censored for tweeting a link to an article on its affiliated-platform the Daily Citizen.

The article by writer Zachary Mettler stated that “Dr. Levine is a transgender woman, that is, a man who believes he is a woman.”

The FamilyPolicyAlliance (FPA) account tweeted a screenshot of the locked account, writing that their “crime” was “a  tweet which identified Asst. Health Sec. pick Rachel Levine as a biological male. If stating the facts gets you banned, none of us belong here.”

CENSORSHIP ALERT: Twitter banned @FocusCitizen from their platform.