
Psaki Gets Testy with Peter Doocy, Says Biden Admin Putting Kids in Cages is ‘Not Keeping Kids in Cages’ – Blames Covid (VIDEO)

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White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Tuesday got very testy with Fox News’ Peter Doocy when he asked about the Biden Admin’s policy of putting migrant children in cages.

The Biden administration opened a gated migrant facility for illegal immigrant children this past weekend in Carrizo Springs, Texas.

The camp will hold up to 700 illegal immigrant children.

The facility was open for one month during the Trump years and then it was shut down.

Democrats like AOC went ballistic about caged kids during Trump’s tenure.

Democrats completely ignored it under Obama and now they’re defending it under Biden.

Psaki said that putting migrant kids in cages is not putting kids in cages because we are in the middle of a pandemic.