
EXCLUSIVE: New York Governor Cuomo Harassed a Woman In His Office, Had an Affair with a Married Woman for Months As Well

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Today a woman who worked under Governor Andrew Cuomo accused the New York Governor of inappropriate sexual advances that lasted for years.  The woman released information detailing what she claimed were acts of sexual harassment by the Governor. 

Cuomo’s former deputy secretary of economic development and special adviser, Lindsey Boylan, wrote a 1,700-word post on the website Medium that she was subjected to unwanted advances by Cuomo that lasted for two years.

The Gateway Pundit also has information that the Governor had an affair with a work colleague for months.

Back in December, it was reported that a woman who worked under New York Governor Cuomo claimed she was sexually harassed by him for years:

Former Aide Says Andrew Cuomo “Sexually Harassed” Her For Years

Today the The New York Times reported on this woman’s accusations.