
Neocon Rep. Liz Cheney Continues Using Liberal Talking Points to Trash Republican Voters

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Neoconservative Rep. Liz Cheney continued her rampage of trashing Republican voters on Tuesday, saying that we need to “make clear that we aren’t the party of white supremacy.”

Cheney has clearly picked up the Democrat talking point that everyone on the right is an “evil racist” for not pandering to the left’s nonsense.

The neocon voted to impeach President Donald Trump, supposedly over what took place at the Capitol on January 6.

Appearing at a Reagan Institute event on Tuesday, Cheney reiterated that the Capitol protest “cannot be minimized.”

“We will make our party worthy once again of the mantle of Lincoln and Reagan,” Cheney said. The egomanical politician failed to explain how she will do that with 73 percent of Republican voters and 62 percent of all voters in Wyoming expressing an unfavorable view of her and her dated policies.