
Warning for America: The Four Steps of Marxist Takeover Were Activated in 2020

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Lenin addressing vsevobuch troops on red square in moscow on may 25, 1919. (Photo by: Sovfoto/UIG via Getty Images)

Back in July 2020 Scott McKay at American Spectator wrote an amazing piece on the Four Stages of Marxist Takeover.

McKay’s report is based on the words and warnings of Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov.

It’s been seven months since the report was published and the situation today is even more dire than predicted. Even McKay would never have predicted the antics of the Marxist left during the 2020 elections. The Marxist takeover of America is well on its way.

Here are the four steps of Marxist takeover of America.

The first goal of revolutionary propaganda,