
Officer Sicknick’s Mom Refuses To Allow Leftist Media To “George Floyd” Her Son: He was not beaten with a fire extinguisher…“We think he had a stroke”

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After George Floyd’s death, the media and leftist activist groups demanded bodycam footage of the officers involved.

They got it.  The full 18-minute video that leaked laid out a much more complex scenario than had been portrayed, but that didn’t change the simplistic media messaging.  George Floyd was incorrectly turned into a martyr and folk hero, despite being a violent criminal offender who was resisting arrest and had previously held a pregnant woman at gunpoint.  He was also a heavy drug user who was high on multiple different drugs.

100 Percent Fed Up – Two days after MN Police Officer Derek Chauvin was charged with 3rd-degree murder, and former MN Police Officers Thomas Lane, J. Alexander Kueng,