
After Public Thrashing Trump-Hater Mitch McConnell Tells FOX News He Would Support President Trump if He is 2024 Nominee

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Mitch McConnell has been fighting President Donald Trump since he entered office.

POLL: Mitch McConnell’s Kentucky Approval Rating Plummets Amid Questions About Future As Senate Leader

In January McConnell wrote an oped for the Wall Street Journal calling for criminal charges against President Trump.
McConnell is a terrible GOP leader and an enemy of the Trump base

MITCH McCONNELL DOUBLES DOWN: GOP Senate Leader Now Attacking Trump in Wall Street Journal OpEd – Pushes Criminal Charges

But now after the blowback from his outrageous attacks on Trump, McConnell came out on Thursday and told FOX News that he would support President Trump if he is the 2024 Republican nominee.