
“They Didn’t Do Their Jobs” – Conservative Commentator Deroy Murdoch Puts Blame on Federal Judges for Role in Jan. 6 Riots (VIDEO)

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American commentator Deroy Murdock spoke this morning at CPAC Orlando on election fraud.

Murdock spoke about election fraud, how it happens and the best ways to prevent voter fraud.

Later on a panel, Murdoch put part of the blame of the riots on US judges who failed to get involved in the election and called out the fraud.

Deroy is on to something.
The US government allowed massive corruption to take place in the 2020 election.
They are culpable.

Mediaite reported:

Fox News Contributor and National Review editor Deroy Murdock said Federal judges who tossed out lawsuits filed on behalf of the Trump campaign are responsible for the “chaos that ensued.”

During a CPAC panel discussion that focused on allegations of voter fraud and the 2020 general election,