
Biden Admin Wants to Charge Reporters $170 Every Time They Go to a Briefing

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The mainstream media goons who shrieked and moaned about a “free press” during the Trump administration are pretty mum after the Biden admin announced that they will be charging reporters for their COVID tests every time they enter the building.

Without taking the $170 test, reporters will not be allowed to enter the building to go to press briefings.

The Washington Post reported on Friday that the White House is seeking to put the new charges in place on Monday.

Charges this high would make it much harder for smaller and independent outlets to get into the briefings, which would make corporate media shills dominate the room even harder than they already do.

The Daily Caller notes that “White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki vowed hours after Biden’s inauguration to bring ‘truth and transparency back to the briefing room.’ President Donald Trump’s White House footed the bill for testing reporters daily for months before leaving office.