
Billboard in Albany Calls for Disgraced New York Governor Cuomo to Be Impeached

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A billboard was put up in Albany earlier this week calling for disgraced New York Governor Andrew Cuomo to be impeached.

The billboard was paid for by Albany gun-store owner Brian Olesen, who is angry that no one has been held accountable to “defend these people that passed away and their families.”

“The purpose is to demand that he be held accountable for the mass deaths at the nursing homes. Our original message was ‘He lied, they died,’ but the billboard company rejected it,” Olesen told The New York Post.

“I can’t believe nobody defended these people that passed away and their families,” he said. “Where were our elected officials? How did they let this go on?”

Cuomo was recently accused of sexual harassment by a former staffer and hid data about deaths of nursing home residents after he ordered them to accept Covid-19-positive patients.