
After 5 Years of Trump Attacks – Tina Fey Says No Political Jokes at Golden Globes This Year — Because Senile Joe Biden and His Handler Are Biggest Jokes EVER (VIDEO)

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Shameless Hollywood hack Tina Fey, who owes her career to smearing Republican politicians, says there will be no political jokes at the Golden Globes this year.
This announcement was only made because Joe Biden and his handler are in the White House today.

If President Trump was in office it would be guns blazing! These leftist hacks aren’t fooling anyone.

The US has a president who can’t find his way to the bathroom at night but Hollywood will ignore his dementia — following the lead of the mainstream media.

These leftists are not fooling anyone.

No more “Political” Jokes @ Golden Globes, because Senile Alzheimer Joe Beijing Biden is the biggest Joke ever,