
McConnell, McCarthy, Pence, and Romney McDaniel’s GOP Is Lost and Tone Deaf – Latest Flyer Shows They Have No Clue What Americans and Their Base Want Now

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What a joke!  The GOP leadership is lost and without a clue.  They say the same things but do nothing.

It’s really so simple and yet the leaders of the Republican Party have no idea what it is.  In 2016 Americans told the leaders of the GOP what they wanted.  It was summed up in a few words. One slogan was “Drain the Swamp” –

Another was “Lock Her Up” –

‘Build the Wall’ and ‘CNN Sucks’ were other slogans.  It’s amazing that the most important and emotional policies that Americans wanted from this President when he was campaigning were captured in slogans!

Americans wanted security on our border and in our immigration policies.