
“Uncomfortable and Embarrassed” – Third Woman Comes Forward and Accuses Gov. Cuomo of Sexual Harassment

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Andrew Cuomo grabs accuser Anna Ruch’s face at a wedding

A third woman has come forward and accused New York Governor Andrew Cuomo of sexual harassment.

The accuser, 33-year-old Anna Ruch, said she was “uncomfortable and embarrassed” after Cuomo grabbed her face and kissed her at a 2019 wedding.

“He said, ‘Can I kiss you?’” Anna Ruch told The New York Times.

“I was so confused and shocked and embarrassed,” she said.

A photo of Cuomo putting his hands on Anna Ruch’s face at a wedding was posted to Twitter:

Whoa at this pic: A young woman says Gov. Andrew Cuomo asked if he could kiss her at a wedding,