
Wray Says No Evidence Antifa, Left-Wing Groups Played a Role in January 6 Capitol Riot (VIDEO)

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Disgraced FBI Director Christopher Wray testified before the US Senate on Tuesday in his first testimony since the US Capitol riot on January 6th.

Wray said there is no evidence of “fake Trump supporters” at the US Capitol.

Director Wray also said there is no evidence left-wing groups or Antifa played a role in the Capitol riot under questioning by Democrat Senator Leahy.

To date, Wray has barely acknowledged the existence of Antifa and he struggled to utter the “A” word during his hearing on Tuesday.

“We have not to date seen any evidence of anarchist violent extremists or people subscribing to Antifa in connection with the 6th,” Wray said.


Wray tells Leahy that there’s no evidence antifa played a role in the January 6 insurrection pic.twitter.com/CozZigYhGh

— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) March 2,