
Psaki Defends Joe Biden After He Breaks Campaign Promise and Agrees to Narrow Eligibility For $1400 Stimulus Payments (VIDEO)

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White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki defended Joe Biden’s decision to narrow the eligibility for the $1400 stimulus checks.

Joe Biden already falsely promised the American people that $2000 stimulus checks would immediately be sent out if the Democrats won the senate.

The $2000 stimulus checks are now $1400 and Biden has just agreed to narrow the eligibility for the payments.

This means some people who received a stimulus check under President Trump will not receive one under Joe Biden.

The Washington Post reported that “Biden has agreed to narrow eligibility for a new round of $1,400 stimulus payments in his $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief bill, under pressure from moderate Senate Democrats who’ve pushed for more ‘targeted’ spending in the bill.”

Under the changes agreed to by Biden and Senate Democratic leadership,