
LOL! Comedian Tim Allen Says He Liked Trump Because He ‘Pissed People Off’ (AUDIO)

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Comedian Tim Allen is one of the few open conservatives working in Hollywood today.

It’s no secret that Allen is a Trump supporter, but during a recent interview he explained one of the things he liked about Trump and it’s triggering liberals.

Allen said that he liked the fact that Trump “pissed people off.”

FOX News reports:

Tim Allen says he ‘liked’ that President Trump ‘pissed people off’

Tim Allen makes a living making people laugh but one person who’s apparently made the funnyman chuckle himself is former President Donald Trump.

The “Last Man Standing” star appeared on the “WTF with Marc Maron” podcast this week where he was asked about whether he views himself as an “old school conservative” as opposed to a “right-wing wack job.”

Allen revealed he’s always been a “fiscal,