
UPDATE: Judge Orders Release of Proud Boys Member Ethan Nordean After Feds Get Caught – Oversold His Case Like Worthless Trinkets from a 3 AM Infomercial

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Surprise, surprise.
US Federal Judge Beryl Howell on Wednesday ordered the release of a prominent member of the far-right Proud Boys group while he awaits trial.

Judge Beryl ruled the feds failed to show that Ethan Nordean posed such a danger to the public that he must be jailed while his case unfolds.

On Tuesday The Gateway Pundit reported on Ethan Nordean and fellow Proud Boy Dominic Pezzola who were jailed and tortured while waiting their court date for attending the protests at the US Capitol on January 6th.

FBI Tortures Proud Boy Member – Kept in Isolation for 23 Hours a Day While Awaiting Trial for Bashing Window Out at US Capitol – Faces 20 Years in Prison

The Feds got caught overselling their worthless trinkets like an infomercial at 3 AM with free wind chimes.