
Biden Border Blowout: February Record Nearly 100,000 Illegals Detained Crossing from Mexico; CDC Waives COVID Rules to Allow Filling Child Migrant Shelters to Capacity

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Nearly 100,000 migrants were caught and detained after illegally entering the U.S. from Mexico, Reuters reported Friday based on sources, marking the highest number caught in the month of February since 2006. Also Friday, CNN and Axios reported the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a memo waiving COVID rules limiting capacity at child migrant shelters to deal with the massive flood of children entering the U.S. illegally. The Washington Examiner reported the Biden administration is considering renaming the child migrant shelters “reception centers”.

Joe Biden campaigned on reversing President Trump’s strict immigration policies and the migrants are responding in kind. Biden also campaigned on saving the country from COVID, but it appears flooding the country with migrants is more important to Biden than protecting Americans from COVID.