
Biden Mumbles For 10 Minutes After Dems Pass $1.9 Trillion Covid Relief Bill without GOP Support – Shuffles Away From Podium and Ignores Reporters (VIDEO)

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Joe Biden mumbled through remarks on the “American Rescue Plan” after Senate Democrats passed the massive $1.9 trillion bill without one Republican vote.

Democrat Senators on Saturday went around Republicans by passing the bill through budget reconciliation, a process that requires only a simple majority vote.

Joe Biden praised Schumer and took credit for helping the senate break the log-jam that led to a “vote-a-rama.”

Glassy-eyed Biden blathered on for about 10 minutes before shuffling away from the lectern.

As usual, Joe Biden shuffled away and ignored reporters shouting questions as the White House cut the feed.


** Joe Biden is now the first US President in 100 years NOT to hold a press conference in his first 30 days in office.