
Leftists Outraged Over Democrat Senator Kyrsten Sinema’s Enthusiastic Thumbs Down Vote on $15 Minimum Wage Hike (VIDEO)

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Democrat Senator Kyrsten Sinema (AZ) on Friday enthusiastically voted NO on a $15 minimum wage hike.

A total of 8 Democrat Senators defected on the minimum wage increase but leftists attacked Sinema for her enthusiastic thumbs down vote on the Senate floor.

Joe Machin
Jon Tester
Jeanne Shaheen
Maggie Hassan
Kyrsten Sinema
Tom Carper
Chris Coons
Angus King (Independent who caucuses with Democrats)

Sinema channeled John McCain and did a thumbs down vote on the senate floor.


Sinema voting no on the minimum wage. #girlboss pic.twitter.com/ybyGcXZ8Vl

— Jessy Han (@hjessy_) March 5, 2021

The Senate stripped the minimum wage hike from the Covid bill,