
In June 2020 Big Media Giants Like ABC Were Praising New York’s Governor Cuomo for His COVID Actions – TGP Was Reporting the Truth

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The corrupt and biased media cannot be trusted period.  Their love for Governor Cuomo when he was overseeing a slaughter in New York nursing homes from COVID due to his mandates is just one example why.

An ABC interview from June 2020 of New York’s Governor Cuomo shows the ridiculous bias in today’s media.  Cuomo was praised despite the massive number of deaths in the state due to his actions:

When @ABC News ran this, New York had the country’s most #COVID19 deaths, and the nation’s highest per capita COVID death rate. This is not journalism. This is political activism.

— MarkHyman (@MarkHyman) March 7, 2021

We reported in June 2020  that the number of deaths in the US were consistent with prior years with the exception of New York and New Jersey.