
Biden Approves Release of $3 Billion of Iran’s Funds in Iraq, Oman, South Korea

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Iranian-backed Iraqi militias were likely behind a deadly rocket barrage on a U.S.-led coalition base in northern Iraq in February. According to NBC the attack featured at least 14 107mm rockets, a favored weapon supplied by Iran to the militias.

But this did not dissuade Joe Biden from releasing $3 billion of Iran’s fund in Iraq, Oman and South Korea.

It’s like Obama 2.0

Barack Obama notoriously bribed the Ayatollahs with a pallet of US cash on a tarmac to make a deal with the US.

Apparently, there is nothing Iran can do to push the Biden administration away from nonsense nuclear talks with the terror regime.

Al-Arabiya reported:

The United States has agreed to the release of $3 billion in Iranian funds that have been frozen in Iraq,