
​​Unsuspecting Americans to be Hit Hard by this U.S. Scheme to Confiscate Your Savings?

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(Note: This is a sponsored message from Peter Reagan of Birch Gold. We appreciate your support!)

Alan Greenspan Reveals Washington’s Nasty Trick to Destroy Your Savings… Here’s How Americans are Resisting…

This month, U.S. government debt surpassed a record $28 TRILLION.

It took 200 years to rack up the first $1 trillion in debt. But today, it’s soaring. In fact, Washington racked up the last $1 trillion of debt in UNDER 5 MONTHS.

And now that Biden is pushing another $1.9 trillion into the economy as his solution to economic fallout from the pandemic, deficit spending has gone parabolic! With each passing day, it’s destroying the savings of the American public.