
40 Cowardly Republicans Refuse To Join Marjorie Taylor Greene In Her Attempt To Stop “COVID Relief” (Blue State Bailout) Bill From Passing House

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Democrats are on the verge of passing the final 1.9 trillion dollar “COVID relief” bill. Many American citizens may be shocked to discover that the Blue State Bailout bill will help to alleviate the massive debt created by radical Democrat governors who locked down their citizens and destroyed their economies. The bill is poised to gift states $350 billion in aid and will also include a whopping $10 billion for local infrastructure projects and a new rule, making future student loan forgiveness programs tax-free.

100 Percent Fed Up reports:

Republican Senator Marsha Blackburn (TN) blasted the Blue State Bailout bill, telling Fox News:

For purely partisan reasons, this bill uses unemployment numbers to determine final state payouts and rewards failing blue states with the tax dollars of red states whose jobless rates didn’t spike as dramatically.