
Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft Declines to Run for US Senate — Trump Allies Coalesce Around Navy SEAL and former Governor Eric Greitens

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Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft today announced he will not be seeking to fill the open US Senate seat vacated by Senator Roy Blunt. This comes as President Donald Trump’s allies have coalesced around former missouri Governor Eric Greitens, urging him to run.

Jay Ashcroft released the following statement:

“After intense, prayerful considerations we have decided to remain devoted to the work Missouri voters have entrusted to me as secretary of state,” he said in a statement. “Our hearts are in Missouri and we cherish the opportunity to continue raising our family here. Service to Missourians is a profound privilege in which we intend to persist and honor in every respect.”

Jay Ashcroft’s Statement on How Best To Serve Missourians.