
SHOCKING VIDEO by Ben Bergquam: Mexican Cartels Caught Operating in Plain Sight on US Border Following Biden’s Insane Open Border Policies

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This was shocking footage you WILL NOT SEE in the fake news mainstream media.

Joe Biden, his handlers and Kamala Harris opened the US southern borders immediately following the inauguration in January.

The Mexican cartels are thrilled with the developments.
Illegal immigration is way up. Kids are back in camps.

Ben Bergquam, of Real America’s Voice, shared exclusive footage of cartels running the U.S. southern border on War Room, Tuesday.

The War Room reported:

The footage shows cartels having their way along the border with no enforcement in sight. Bergquam witnessed scouts in the buildings, with lookouts for how to cross the border illegally.

The video shockingly showed a gate to enter the United States “wide open.”

“This is a battle for the future of our country,” Bergquam said.