
“Many People Would Say, the Biggest Log is the One Not Going on the Fire.” – Australian Sky News Continues to Report Honestly on Biden’s Senility

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One Big Media outlet is honest about Joe Biden’s poor health, unfortunately, it’s in Australia.

Australia’s Sky News is honest about Joe Biden and his senility.  Unlike the corrupt and dishonest news media in the US at least Sky has it right.  For more than a year we have reported that Biden has lost it.  He is suffering from dementia.  He loses his train of thought, doesn’t know what to say, and has to be directed like a geriatric patient to where he needs to go and when to even speak.  We’ve seen him numerous times stop and just stare into space.  He’s not thinking, he’s losing it. He is handled, and not just by Jill, Kamala and Nancy either. So far he hasn’t held an independent press conference,