
Report: The EU is Spending 13 Million Euros a Year for Terror and Left-Wing NGOs in Israel

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The European Union funds a large number of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) which pursue a one-sided anti-Israel agenda. Thanks to the excellent work by NGO Monitor, the Israeli Ministry for Strategic Affairs, and NGOs like Regavim, Palestinian Media Watch and Im Tirtzu, this fact is well-known in Israel. As Rapporteur for the Discharge of the EU Commission Budget 2019, I believe it is time to put an end to this, in the interest of peace and human life.

by Joachim Kuhs

No country would accept another country meddling in its internal affairs, funding violent riots and the radical political opposition, funding the BDS boycott campaign and lawfare against the elected government, employing terrorists and their allies, raising children to be killers and rewarding the families of terrorists.