
Media Blackout: Federal Agents Tackle Antifa Terrorists During Midnight Attack on Federal Courthouse in Portland (VIDEO)

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Antifa terrorists set the federal courthouse in Portland on fire Thursday night – AGAIN.

The same media that breathlessly reported on the *unarmed* January 6 “insurrection” is completely silent on Antifa lighting a federal courthouse on fire.

The left-wing terrorists were out on the streets of Portland again last night protesting ICE.

The mob set fire to the plywood on the building at the entrance to the courthouse.


Someone in the group set fire to the plywood on the building at the entrance to the courthouse. Federal officers are responding with crowd control munitions. #koin6news #pdx #pnw #Oregon #Portland pic.twitter.com/pQS1IPV7iL

— Jennifer Dowling (@JenDowlingKoin6) March 12,